California Software Licensing Program (SLP)

dgs california department of general services logo

The Software Licensing Program (SLP) was established in January 1994 and is administered by the Department of General Services, Procurement Division. Extensive software discounts are negotiated with major software publishers that are then passed on to the State, through the SLP contracts established with authorized participating re-sellers.

The Software Licensing Program is a manufacturer centric contract vehicle that Carahsoft distributes through to assist with the procurement of software for the state of California. Carahsoft is always looking to promote new manufacturers and value add resale partners to this vehicle, if there is an interest in pursuing a SLP contract or become a partner upon it please contact either the Software Licensing Program office at or Carahsoft at

State Leveraged Procurement Agreements

Abnormal Security | Contract # SLP-23-70-0064C

Alteryx | Contract # SLP-23-70-0064A

Arctic Wolf | Contract # SLP-23-70-0064F

AvePoint | Contract # SLP-20-70-0064M

Chainalysis | Contract # SLP-24-70-0064H

Chooch | Contract # SLP-22-70-0064V

Databricks | Contract # SLP-24-70-0064D

Experian | Contract # SLP-23-70-0064B

LexisNexis | Contract # SLP-23-70-0064Y

Outsystems | Contract # SLP-22-70-0064W

ProofPoint | Contract # SLP-21-70-0064Q

Red Cedar | Contract # SLP-24-70-0064J

Tungsten Automation | Contract # SLP-21-70-0064M

GUIDELINES: Please send agency purchase orders to the following address, faxed to 703-871-8505 or emailed to

11493 Sunset Hills Road
Suite 100
Reston, Virginia 20190