• Unlock the Power of Scale

Accelerate the Use of Data as a Strategic Asset

Bodo is a high-performance SQL and Python compute engine that delivers order-of-magnitude performance gains over existing data processing technologies. Engineered to handle data workloads of near-infinite scale without compromise on speed or efficiency, Bodo empowers agencies to unlock the power of HPC and meet the demands of a data-driven government.

Bodo brings deep tech compilers out of specialized HPC labs and into an accessible and pluggable compute engine. It is the first engine to merge vectorized execution with HPC technology, incorporating MPI parallelism and sophisticated compiler optimizations to bring unparalleled efficiency to large-scale data workloads.

Performant at near-infinite and linear scale
Engineered to maximize data processing speeds while minimizing resource consumption, Bodo is architecturally more efficient than other data processing technologies—delivering speeds that are 20 times faster than technologies like Spark. With Bodo, agencies gain the computational efficiency and superior speed needed to fully leverage their data's potential. This means that vast datasets can be processed and analyzed with unprecedented speed, without the burden of escalated costs or increased energy consumption.

Portable across tech stacks and security infrastructures
Built on open standards, Bodo ensures seamless integration into existing ecosystems, preserving investments in existing tools and resources. Its flexible architecture supports various deployments — be it private clouds, on-premises, or virtualized environments — ensuring that agencies can adapt to any operational need without the hassle of overhauling their existing infrastructure. Quickly get up and running with your most challenging workloads in Bodo, while keeping what works in place.

Flexible and future-ready
This adaptability extends to Bodo’s support for the languages and libraries preferred by users, with native support for Python and SQL. Bodo empowers agencies to harness the capabilities of HPC technology while maintaining their established workflows and tools—reducing engineering overhead.

Bodo's exceptional performance and efficiency ensures that agencies can quickly leverage their data in ways that drive innovation, enhance operational effectiveness, and foster informed decision-making, all while ensuring that resource consumption and operational costs are kept to a minimum.