WEST 2019 - Demo Opportunity

We would like to invite you to participate in a demo and networking kiosk we will have set-up at our booth.

Half-day demos are $500 per slot and full-day demos are $1,000 per slot.

To sign-up for a demo, click here. Please fill this out by Friday, December 21, 2018.

We will be assigning time slots (the duration and time slot will depend on the number of our vendor partners participating) based on availability. Preferred times are not guaranteed and subject to change.

What is included with this opportunity?

  • Designated kiosk for specified time block
  • One monitor with VGA cable and HDMI cable
  • Power
  • Internet
  • Literature rack
  • Complimentary badges for up to 2 reps

What should you bring?

  • Computer, iPad, or any additional AV you need
  • Any cables other than VGA or HDMI that may be needed
  • Literature or collateral
  • Business cards