ServiceNow Automated Test Framework for the Public Sector

AutomatePro specializes in helping customers to realize the full potential of their investment in enterprise cloud platforms through our patented ServiceNow Test Automation and DevOps platform. Several public sector organizations trust our software to save them time and money, and improve quality. We partner with the largest system integration and testing companies in the world to improve the service they provide to their customers.

Our patented solution provides the platform for a suite of automation products and solutions to increase internal effectiveness and deliver an enhanced return on your IT investment.

Our suite of products and tools are all designed to rapidly move the needle forward in any business automation or testing environment. AutomatePro is so much more than just an automated testing tool. It is a collaborative development environment that automates and speeds up every stage of the software delivery life-cycle, from requirements and design specifications through to implementation. Reduce your costs and exposure to change risk. By increasing your control of multi-stream development it will improve quality. It even automatically produces release notes and a fully updated user guide.