AIComply Solutions for the Public Sector

NavigateCyber’s FedRAMP compliance leverages the Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL) to automate the compliance efforts and streamlines the process while ensuring the business processes are secure and compliant.  The key benefits of using NavigateCyber for FedRamp compliance are as follows.  

  • Change Monitoring and Visibility - Automate benchmarking cloud environment against FedRAMP compliance standards and map changes to configurations that impact FedRAMP standards. – Eliminates manual process and time to FedRAMP Certification
  • Automated and Proactive – Automated and continuous monitoring that provides insights into how your cloud meets FedRAMP security benchmarks in a proactive fashion that helps identify issues and remediation instantly. – Substantial Time & Resource Savings
  • Customized to Organization’s cloud environment - Geared towards specific cloud environment and detection of configuration drift, managing cloud posture and security with increased visibility. – Agnostic in our approach to supporting various environments and configurations.
  • Speed up data entry and populate required cybersecurity risk compliance documentation with easy information-driven steps. – Eliminate Long Wait Times relating to Readiness and Business Mission Impact outcomes due to lengthy & manual process
  • With NavigateCyber’s automated platform, providers and vendors no longer need to depend on human and manually intensive input for their organizational processes and system operations. Reduce errors and speed up compliance, certification, and continuous cyber readiness by up to 90% or more.

Challenges with FedRAMP compliance

For most vendors, navigating the FedRAMP authorization process is a daunting process as navigating the complex and changing landscape of the compliance process is overwhelming and constantly changing in today's world. One of the key challenges are the large number of security controls required to be addressed for various facets of the business operations in order to become compliant. For example, in addition to ensuring that the digital infrastructure is equipped with appropriate security controls, there is also a need to ensure physical access restrictions to the cloud data centers, conduct appropriate supply chain management, etc. Most of the occasions, the implementation of the security controls involves implementing the latest technologies, upgrading current technologies, changes to the business processes, etc. These can further push the authorization timelines and increase the complexity of the effort.  Another challenge associated with FedRAMP compliance is the need to prepare and organize various documents describing the organization's policies and procedures. Specifically, there is a need to automate the preparation and updating of documents such as the System Security Plan (SSP), Security Assessment Plan (SAP), Security Assessment Report (SAR), Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M), etc. Usually, creating and updating these documents is a time-consuming process as they have to be developed by conforming to specific templates and formats which typically can take months to complete. 

In addition, FedRAMP process involves third-party assessments that provide unbiased verification of cybersecurity compliance. Typically, a certified third-party assessment organization (3PAO) is responsible for conducting the evaluation of a cloud service provider’s (CSP) infrastructure, policies and procedures to validate security controls. CSPs must ensure resources are available for realizing authorization and the need to support information from assessors. Finally, continuous reporting is an important aspect of FedRAMP compliance. In this process, there is an expectation of reporting, documenting, collecting evidence, and periodic assessments. During continuous monitoring, there is a need for conducting regular system scans, collecting and analyzing logs and responding to incidents. These activities require laborious and time-intensive efforts, which ultimately drain resources from industry and government as well as a significant monetary impact for all parties.

FedRAMP Compliance

With NavigateCyber, our company has developed a ground-breaking platform capable of automating the manual process associated with the FedRAMP process. from authorization to continuous monitoring.  The first step of NavigateCyber’s automation of the FedRAMP process is to extract key information from various policies and procedures to be included in the development of FedRAMP documentation, such as SAP, SAR, POAM (see above for definitions) etc. NavigateCyber provides the first step in automation by ingesting various compliance artifacts and extracting key information from the documents, required for subsequent cyber compliance process. Our platform can agnostically ingest the information regardless of source, and extract relevant information needed for the rest of the workflow process. You have now achieved the first level of automation where a human does not have to:

a)    Locate and identify the document,

b)    Figure out what information is relevant,

c)    Place the information in the right workflow process. (Thus realizing Substantial Efficiency & Time Gains)

Next, NavigateCyber automates the determination of the security controls needed. This portion of the process is a significant time delay. Determining what controls you have to adhere to requires not only significant manual understanding but interpretation as well. Navigate Cyber ELIMINATES the guesswork by leveraging our knowledge and understanding of the control values and the associated architecture and data. We provide customers with the ability to fine-tune this process so that they can generate the optimal yet required controls to address first.

NavigateCyber will then assist your team in answering the questions for every control via human AI teaming.  The security control verbiage is very onerous and obtuse, taking a skilled cyber security analyst to elicit the correct response. NavigateCyber incorporates intelligent automation and leverages a large language model-based capability that will now automate the responses to the questions. This model was created and defined by the most advanced and skilled subject matter experts in the world relating to Risk Management Framework (RMF) & National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity compliance. This large language model is then trained upon the documents collected for your specific organization. The large language model is then queried and knowledgeable in order to provide the correct response. NavigateCyber significantly cuts down the time to answer several hundreds and even thousands of controls from months to minutes helping your organization realize up to 90% gains on time to ATO or FedRAMP certification.  The automation process also uses large language models to import existing SSP and generate the needed OSCAL files for submission to the FEDRAMP PMO. OSCAL is a widely accepted and standardized language which leverages XMl, JSON and YAML formats for storing FedRAMP compliance related information. OSCAL has enabled cloud service providers to share with the FedRAMP PMO security documentation in a structured fashion and avoid the need to email word documents or excel spreadsheets, thus eliminating uncertainty and injecting thorough and validated machine-readable information and data.

NavigateCyber will help streamline the continuous monitoring and report processes and eliminate up to 90 % of the associated manual work.  NavigateCyber will also be able to track inherited controls and identify implementations across AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Our revolutionary platform is also able to manage the evidence collection for various controls using APIs.  Finally, NavigateCyber will generate audit-ready reports and documents and OSCAL files using our LLM instantly.