Voyatek Computerized Criminal History (CCH)

GCOM's CCH is a state-of-the-art, all-encompassing enterprise Computerized Criminal History Record Management System. It's a suite of business and technical services, built from the ground up using SOA principles to support the sequence of events in the Criminal Justice System defined by the Criminal Justice Information Services Division, provide a near-custom fit from a COTS product with minimal configuration. It helps organizations achieve desired business objectives such as uncompromised accountability, assured integrity, enhanced timeliness, and reliably complete information.

GCOM’s CCH has long supported the ability to process Seal Orders, Full & Partial Expungement Orders, and Petitions through electronic receipt of the order from the courts as well as the manual creation of a Seal or Expungement Workflow Case.  Our Clean Slate Rule Manager and the companion GCOM CCH Clean Slate Workflow processes provide a feature-rich, robust platform that can be configured to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of a State's current Seal and Expunge processes.

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voyatek computerized criminal history

a comprehensive soteria cch solution

gcom computerized criminal history solution