GCOM Community Health Analytics

Where a person lives, learns, works, worships, and plays can have a huge influence on their health. It is imperative for the state and local government to have the necessary data to better understand social and environmental factors and health trends to support coordinated targeted approaches to improving community well-being. 

At GCOM, we believe putting public health data into the hands of community members enhances public and private decision making, supports collaboration across siloed stakeholders (within and outside of government), and improves overall population well-being.

GCOM’s Community Health Analytics (CHA) helps governments unleash the power of their data. CHA covers a range of public health data, including communicable and chronic disease surveillance, health survey, environmental monitoring, criminal justice, social service, and healthcare utilization. A flexible, highly configurable data management platform, CHA integrates government data across agencies and programs and delivers responsive, user-friendly analytics and visualization tools, enabling the data-driven decisions required to improve health outcomes within a community.

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