WellSky Human Services is a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution. It is browser-based for easy maintenance and hosted in a highly secure environment, ideal for the needs of state enterprises.
WellSky meets the challenges of Medicaid waiver management with a comprehensive case management system. Alerts and workflows enforce compliance with less staff oversight. Claims are submitted and adjudicated against state Medicaid rules in real-time, ensuring fast remittance and higher provider satisfaction. Configurable waitlist technology protects your state with a clearly defined, objective selection system.
WellSky facilitates communication among your state unit on aging (SUA), local area agencies on aging (AAAs), and providers. Tools in the system simplify the creation of area plans and ensure budget compliance throughout the year. WellSky automates care planning, service authorization, and delivery of long-term services and supports. Data from each AAA rolls up seamlessly to generate required federal and state reports including the National Aging Program Information Systems (NAPIS), State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), and more.
WellSky helps you manage cases efficiently, detect problems quickly, and deliver the data decision makers need. When an investigation is opened, the system automatically schedules critical milestones to comply with state requirements based on the nature of the complaint. By standardizing data collection, you streamline compliance with state requirements and the federal National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS).
WellSky can consolidate critical incident reporting across all your state programs with a single system to report, investigate, and mitigate abuse and neglect of state beneficiaries. This helps you meet mandatory response timelines, support standardized investigations, and monitor provider compliance. WellSky Human Services for Incident Management aligns with CMS guidance on the key functions of a state system.
Meet the new federal RSA-911 data collection and reporting requirements and manage state and federal matching funds confidently with WellSky. Providers can accept referrals, receive authorizations, enter case data, and submit claims through an easy-to-use provider portal. A participant portal lets consumers download/upload forms, communicate with providers, view care plans, track progress, and complete satisfaction surveys.
WellSky helps you monitor public guardian compliance and respond quickly to complaints and grievances. You gain full visibility into all aspects of your public guardianship office (PGO) program and can easily respond to legislative requests for information via powerful reporting tools. The system fosters a collaborative, transparent relationship between your state and its guardians by conducting all work in a single system.
WellSky Aging & Disability enables agencies, providers, caregivers, and family members to maximize outcomes through coordinated delivery of home and community-based services. We work with hundreds of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and several Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in support of the Older Americans Act and other services funded by federal grants and state and local funds.
WellSky Community Services is the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) software solution preferred by over half of the nation’s continuums of care. Community organizations can support coordinated entry, track outcomes, raise awareness through insights, and manage funding with our comprehensive system. Leveraging WellSky’s deep experience in healthcare, our HMIS software allows you to connect with a range of care providers and effectively address social determinants of health (SDoH).
WellSky Ombudsman provides intuitive and comprehensive case management that enables ombudsmen to track and manage nursing home complaint investigations from intake through closure more effectively. In addition, this web-based system facilitates compliance with the Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS).
Resource Directory for 2-1-1-s, specialized I&R agencies, hotlines and ADRCs is a fast and cost-effective way to establish a searchable online resource. Serve your community with a modern, mobile-friendly website that brings those in need closer to the providers who can help.
Mobile Assessments equip your team to complete thorough evaluations from any location, with or without the internet. The tool is fully integrated with our care management solution and obeys your existing organizational and role-based security configuration.