VectorZero Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Active Data Vault™

    VectorZero Active Data Vault™ is a SaaS, high assurance enclave that is stood up in minutes. Use ADV as a NIST 800-53-5 and FIPS 140-2 Level 3 ready environment for safeguarding sensitive data. Exceed compliance requirements with confidential computing, automated moving target defense, and more.

  • Secure Multiparty Computation

    Secure Multiparty Computation (SMPC) enables a group of parties to collectively perform a computation that involves all of their private data while revealing only the result of the computation. In other words, disparate parties can now combine sensitive datasets and run analytics without revealing their confidential inputs.

    SMPC has numerous use cases such as interagency, interservice, and coalition. Our goal is to empower community behavior, enabling data engineers and data scientists while remaining strictly in compliance with data stewards’ data handling guidelines.

  • Managed Attribution

    Certain cyber maneuvers may need to rapidly disappear. In those instances, utilize VectorZero’s ephemeral infrastructure for managed attribution operations.

  • Obfuscation of Queries on Datasets Not in the Sponsor’s Custody

    With VectorZero’s confidential computing, we can obfuscate queries on datasets not in the sponsor’s custody.

  • Confidential Computing

    Incumbent technologies encrypt data at rest and in transit. VectorZero encrypts in those two states of data, as well as in the third state of data: in use. This functionality enables encryption of analytics, AI, or ML in process and memory.

    Note that unlike homomorphic encryption, confidential computing does not require you to rewrite your applications

    It also results in negligible performance overhead. While homomorphic encryption can severely slow down applications, our confidential computing performance penalty is less than 2%.

  • Post Quantum

    ADV uses the latest post quantum algorithms as specified by the Sponsor. This includes Kyber, BIKE, elliptic curve, and many more.

    Since ADV is software defined, we can use the latest post-quantum algorithms as specified by the Sponsor. Should the Sponsor want us to change the algorithm at any time, we can do so rapidly.