Learn How CyberRes Addresses the Cyber Executive Order

Discover How CyberRes Helps Agencies Achieve Cyber EO Goals

The recent Cybersecurity Executive Order (EO) set goals to help address malicious attacks that threaten government agencies. To achieve these goals, public sector organizations must improve their cyber resiliency and overall security.

CyberRes, a Micro Focus line of business, is a solution for digital transformation and helps organizations build cyber resilience to combat security threats that interfere with government operations and modernization efforts. Learn more about CyberRes’ solutions for Federal agencies including data security, open source and zero trust.

5 Reasons Why SAST + DAST with
Micro Focus Fortify Makes Sense thumbnail
5 Reasons Why SAST + DAST with
Micro Focus Fortify Makes Sense
7 Reasons Why You Need Identity Management in Zero Trust thumbnail
7 Reasons Why You Need Identity
Management in Zero Trust
Fortify on Demand: FedRAMP Application Security as a Service thumbnail
Fortify on Demand: FedRAMP
Application Security as a Service
Galaxy for Next Generation Cyber Operation thumbnail
Galaxy for Next Generation Cyber Operation
Micro Focus & Sonatype Deliver 360-Degree View of Application Security thumbnail
Micro Focus & Sonatype Deliver
360-Degree View of Application Security
Top Three Challenges Solved by Zero Trust Policy Management thumbnail
Top Three Challenges Solved by
Zero Trust Policy Management
Application Security Framework for Zero Trust
Application Security Framework
for Zero Trust

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