Archived Events
Attendees joined Elastic on Tuesday, September 26 for a deep dive into how Generative AI (GAI) can improve search capabilities across public sector.
Developers, data scientists and those interested in learning more about the possibilities achievable with AI, ...
Developers and AI enthusiasts alike joined Elastic at the Carahsoft Office on Wednesday, September 20th for an introductory hands-on technical workshop on Generative Al and Elasticsearch for the public sector community.
Those curious about the possibilities of AI discovered how to ...
As a response to the Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity (EO 14028), public sector organizations are increasingly focused on log management tactics to help ...
Elastic attended SOFWeek 2023 in Tampa from May 8-11th. Attendees learned from leaders across industry and the Department of Defense about innovations in cybersecurity technology and explored empowering professional development opportunities and technology-driven conversations from a variety of USSOCOM ...
Elastic attended at RSA Conference 2023 at The Moscone Center in San Francisco from April 24th to April 27th. Conference attendees learn from a global group of experts and industry leaders about the latest innovations in cybersecurity technology. Attendees engaged with insightful ...
At Elastic's DoD Security Enablement Day, the Elastic DoD Team shared cutting-edge cybersecurity practices in the Program Executive Office Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (POE STRI) community and discussed related developments in Elastic Security capabilities.
During the session, Elastic ...
At this Executive Breakfast, Elastic's seasoned threat researchers shared best practices to help your team adapt to today's evolving cybersecurity landscape.
During the report, Elastic experts discussed:
Data and insights on cloud security from Elastic's Security Lab
The ...
Experts from Elastic, their partners and the U.S ...
Establishing trust is essential for public sector agencies to provide dedicated and effective services to their constituents and achieve their mission demands. Securing your agency’s data with Elastic Security can help establish that trust by facilitating internal workflow collaboration at scale and intelligently ...
From security to analysis, machine learning is a powerful tool that can be adapted to meet a variety of data needs. Intuitively and consistently detect patterns and anomalies in your data to forecast trends, drive intelligent decision-making, and safeguard your data from critical threats.
Learn how to leverage machine ...