Nebraska's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) team contributes to the lives and health of Nebraskans every day. Their mission, "Helping people live better lives," provides the motivation to make a difference.
To ensure the continued success of that mission, Nebraska's DHHS recognized a need to modernize the data management strategy and the need to deliver the data the organization needs, when they need it, at the speed they need it. This meant rethinking the architecture and retooling the organization with an event-driven, micro-services-based data architecture combined with modern cloud-native tools and automation to provide the business with the self-service capabilities and the data experience required to fulfill the mission.
During this webinar, attendees heard from Nebraska's DHHS Data Manager, Brian Beswick, and learned about:
- Challenges faced by a traditional state agency
- How a modern data management strategy helped meet the challenges
- Steps taken to start the journey with Snowflake