Archived Events
Attendees joined Databricks, Summit2Sea Consulting, and UiPath as they shared their perspectives on how the government can hyper-automate the business of government.
They discussed how these government automations can scale limited resources, and time to improve the citizen ...
In this session, attendees learned about:
Traditional financial investigative processes focused on surfacing fraud, waste, and abuse are labor intensive and heavily dependent on human labor. For example, a federal agency investigating over 20 million COVID-19 loans has taken a team of investigators 500 years of manual effort to complete the ...
Do you want to get more from Robotic Process Automation (RPA), but don't know where to start? Is your RPA initiative stalling due to a lack of clean data? Is it difficult to blend data collected by RPA bots with data from other sources? Are you short staffed and looking for ways to automate that will save time while ...
In this session attendees learned: How to automate test cases 3-5 times faster than existing test tools Why the Department of Defense chose UiPath to automate endpoint regression testingHow the US Postal Services rapidly achieved 70% test coverageWhy Test Suite will ...
During this webinar, attendees learned the practical benefits of letting digital assistants take on tedious tasks like account creations, setting up and helping remote workers, data cleansing and performing day-to-day system maintenance.
Automation, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in particular, has provided tremendous value to organizations and agencies of all types. RPA is making significant improvements in company and agency operations by replacing rote human activity with automated task bots. These robots act on behalf of, or in place of, ...
During this webinar, attendees learned more about: The specific RPA processes which can be applied to all colleges and universities The steps to take to move forward on RPA execution and implementation How to communicate implementation ...