Cloud Purchasing Program

At a Glance

Carahsoft’s Cloud Purchasing Program (CPP) offers a flexible way to acquire cloud products and services from either a single or multiple vendors in the form of CPP Points. CPP Points are denominated in Carahsoft transacting currencies and deposited as a Fund Balance within your CPP Portal Account. Using this self-service dashboard, you can redeem your available CPP Points for any cloud products or services listed in the CPP Eligibility Matrix. Your CPP Fund Balance can also be used to pay for renewals or recurring costs for your services.

You have the option of purchasing your CPP Points through prepaid or monthly commitment options. Select the monthly option if you prefer to receive a monthly invoice in-arrears for you actual CPP Point usage. Select the prepaid option to purchase discounted CPP Points up-front and burndown as used.

CPP provides a flexible and cost-effective option to redeem CPP Points for cloud products and services through a single SKU while paying for what is used or consumed. Whether you are making smaller, transactional purchases or larger, strategically planned investments, the program is capable of fitting your needs.

For the CPP Program on Open Market, a Carahsoft aggregator agreement is required for a vendor to participate.


Program Features:

  • Two ways to buy: Select the prepaid option to purchase discounted CPP Points up front and burndown as used. Select the monthly option if you prefer to receive a monthly billing invoice.
  • Self-service dashboard: Submit on-demand redemption requests for cloud products and services through your CPP Portal Account.
  • Centralized or decentralized management: Allowing you to allocate CPP Points to different departments, projects, and users.
  • Scale with ease: Easily purchase CPP Points at any time to meet the changing needs of your organization.
  • Flexible spending: Redeem CPP Points to pay for recurring usage and consumption costs, add-ons and renewals for existing consumptions, or new cloud products or services.
  • Price transparency: Easily track the MSRP costs of cloud products or services against your currency-denominated fund balance.

Program Benefits:

  • Access to the latest technology: Flexibility in evaluating, buying and consuming cloud products and services from leading vendors through a centralized purchasing program.
  • Streamlined funding: Use available balance to rapidly acquire new cloud products and services and to cover the recurring costs of your services – all without the hassle of procuring monthly purchase orders.
  • Future-proofed value: Redeem CPP Points for any cloud products or services listed on the CPP Eligibility Matrix, including cloud products and services as they become available.
  • Monthly reporting: Carahsoft will track monthly usage from the various vendor's cloud products and services as they are consumed and provide a monthly remaining balance summary.
  • Rollover unused balances: Remaining CPP Points carry over from month to month and do not expire – merely consume your remaining balance as required, helping to reduce any potential waste of funds.
  • Valuable discounts: Leverage your enterprise-wide buying power and receive volume discounts from your partner of choice based on the actual quantity and duration of the cloud products and services you consumed.

How to Order

How to Get Started:

  1. Register into the program: Visit the Cloud Purchasing Programs page to enroll in CPP. After completing the form to the right, you will receive a Cloud Purchasing Program membership number that identifies you as a CPP Fund Owner.
  2. Estimate demand: Use the appropriate vendor Point Estimator or work with your Account Executive to calculate the number of CPP Points needed to fund the vendor cloud products or services under the prepaid or monthly billing options. Each eligible cloud products or services have a currencydenominated point value.
  3. Purchase CPP Points: Contact a Carahsoft Offering Partner or a Carahsoft Sales Team to purchase the CPP Points you need to meet estimated demand. Include your Cloud Purchasing Program membership number, CPP Portal Account number, and CPP Fund Owner on the PO.

After purchasing CPP Points, you can:

  • Access Cloud products or services: Carahsoft will submit orders for and ensure access to the new cloud products or services, add-ons, and renewals.
  • Log in to CPP Portal Account: Explore CPP pages within the CPP Portal to view and manage your CPP Fund Balance.
  • Conduct monthly review: Carahsoft will conduct customer review of monthly reporting and usage burndown of your cloud products or services

Eligible Vendors

Authorized Resellers

Contracts List