Archived Events
Do you want to get more from Robotic Process Automation (RPA), but don't know where to start? Is your RPA initiative stalling due to a lack of clean data? Is it difficult to blend data collected by RPA bots with data from other sources? Are you short staffed and looking for ways to automate that will save time while ...
Attendees joined Alteryx for an interactive session on conducting end-to-end analysis. To start off, we will unpack how Federal, State, and Local agencies are utilizing data-driven approaches to enhance their operations, including reconciliation, risk assessment, and data ...
Spreadsheets have been deeply presented in our lives for many years; many could not imagine a day without them. Between formulas, pivot tables, broken macros, VBA codes, debugging, circular references, auto-recovery files, and endless versions on a shared folder ...
An interactive session on conducting end-to-end analysis. To start off, the team unpacked how Federal, State, and Local agencies were utilizing data-driven approaches to enhance their operations, including reconciliation, risk assessment, and data deduplication. During this webinar, ...
An interactive session on conducting spatial analysis and advanced modeling. To start off, the speakers provided an overview of an end-to-end analytics process. After the brief introduction, attendees learned about various techniques required to train sound models and explore the strengths and weaknesses of ...
Over the past decade, colleges and universities in the United States have seen a steady decline in enrollment, and that trend is not expected to reverse any time in the near future. Stretching across various functions from marketing, admissions, financial aid, and institutional research, the need for gathering deeper ...
This hands-on lab was an interactive session on conducting end-to-end analysis. To start off, the team unpack how Federal, State, and Local agencies are utilizing data driven approaches to enhance their operations, including reconciliation, risk assessment, and data deduplication. During ...
MS Excel is deeply presented in our lives for many years; many of us cannot have one day without it. Formulas, Pivot Tables, broken macros, and VBA codes, debugging, circular references, AutoRecovery files, and various versions in our team's shared folder or lost as an e-mail ...
Spreadsheets and visualizations are good, but when you need to verify and validate data in multiple formats and sources the process to get data ready to generate insights is cumbersome, manual, and time consuming.As several Canadian Federal Department agencies move from cash-based to accrual-based ...