Cloudera DCOS Resources
Check out the following resources to learn more about Cloudera's solutions.
Cloudera Support for Your Data Hub
The enterprise data hub (EDH) is a comprehensive platform, expanding upon the operational efficiencies of Apache Hadoop to cultivate an integrated suite of business capabilities for all your data in one place: real-time interactive query and search, data discoverability and lineage, unified security and governance, and more. With Cloudera Enterprise, you benefit from the industry’s most experienced technical support team beside you every step of the way.
The Changing Face of Security Threat Detection
Current security solutions operate in islands, on proprietary databases, and are geared to analyze only small windows of event data, e.g., three days of PCAP, fifteen days of NetFlow, or thirty days of IDS data. Today’s technologies are also unable to correlate events in order to stitch together kill chains occurring over months. Splunk User Behavior Analytics, leveraging multiple components of Hadoop, including Spark, and graph databases, can absorb billions of events directly from sources or existing Hadoop repositories, and process them on commodity hardware using behavior-based machine learning algorithms.
Securing Your Enterprise Hadoop System
Enterprises are transforming data management with unified systems that combine distributed storage and computation at limitless scale, for any amount of data and any type, and with powerful, flexible analytics, from batch processing to interactive SQL to full-text search. Yet to realize their full potential, these enterprise data hubs require authentication, authorization, audit, and data protection controls. This paper aims to explore and summarize the common security approaches, tools, and practices found within Hadoop at large, and how Cloudera is uniquely positioned to provide, strengthen, and manage the data security required for an enterprise data hub.