Tungsten Automation Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Kofax Intelligent Automation

    Kofax Intelligent Automation leverages machine learning to transform structured and unstructured data into actionable insights, and embedded AI smartly recognizes people, content and context. The result is a powerful “total” workforce comprising digital workers and human talent—without the friction and cost of juggling multiple, disparate point solutions.

  • Kofax Capture

    Optimize the way you capture, process and leverage all types of documents and information across your organization and from virtually any location.

  • Kofax Transformation

    Kofax Transformation™ automates and accelerates document processing, making it possible to reduce labor costs, increase productivity and push document processing speed and accuracy to their optimal states.

  • Kofax TotalAgility®

    Kofax TotalAgility (abbreviated internally only as KTA) is a unified software platform that dramatically transforms and simplifies the business critical First Mile™ of business. The First Mile represents information-intensive interactions a customer, provider or partner has with an organization — interactions like new customer onboarding, claims processing, patient experience, student transcript processing and citizen services. By making these meaningful interactions fast, simple and accurate, TotalAgility sets the stage for enduring and profitable customer relationships.

  • Kofax RPA

    Robotic process automation (RPA) fuels the digital workforce by creating and managing software robots that significantly reduce repetitive and information-intensive tasks that burden your human talent.

  • Financial Process Automation

    Invoice processing and cash management can transform mere efficiency into full-fledged operational excellence. IP/AP automation streamlines end-to-end operations by enabling the ability to capture invoices from virtually anywhere, extract relevant data without human intervention, and at all times gain visibility to the financial processes that support or subvert your agencies success.

  • Kofax SignDoc®

    Integrate electronic signature software into your existing core systems, as well as gain insight from in-depth reporting and monitoring of transactions.

  • Kofax ControlSuite

    Kofax ControlSuite integrates print, capture and output management in a single solution. With Kofax ControlSuite, you'll speed productivity, minimize security breaches and reduce compliance costs, helping your business navigate the challenging landscape of cyber-attacks, privacy regulations and a mobile workforce.