PageMTR Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Uptime Monitoring

    A down website is a useless website. PageMTR monitors your website for outages so that if one occurs your team can get it fixed as soon as possible.

  • Web Crawling

    Our website crawler helps you improve onsite SEO by extracting data from your site and auditing for common SEO issues.

  • Malware Scanning

    Malware is a danger for any website. Our malware protection solution helps you find malware and viruses before they become a major issue.

  • JavaScript Error Monitoring

    PageMTR automatically detects and tracks JavaScript errors on your website. This will help your team quickly identify JavaScript issues before your users notice a drop in site performance.

  • Technical SEO Monitoring

    Our technical SEO monitoring helps you stay ahead of your competition by actively monitoring your sites SEO.

  • Broken Links Monitoring
  • CWV Monitoring

    PageMTR offers continuous monitoring of loading speed and interactivity. This allows you to keep a pulse on quality of user experience.

  • Website Safety

    Our external hosts tool regularly checks with whom your website is exchanging user data to help you protect your customers privacy.

  • Playground

    Our playground tool allows you to have a working version of your website copied into the non-indexable PageMTR Cloud. Start the initial optimization with no FTP!