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FNN Expert Edition: Securing the Software Supply Chain

Expert Edition
Dell Technologies

In this ebook, we share articles featuring the federal and industry guests from Day 2 of our Cyber Leaders Exchange 2023, which focused on the ways the government is tackling SCRM as well advice shared by industry experts. Featuring insights from government agencies, including:

  • CISA’S Shon Lyublanovits on fostering federal cyber supply chain capabilities
  • NASA’s Kanitra Tyler on making cyber SCRM an enterprise service

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s Shon Lyublanovits is fired up. As the leader of CISA’s newish cyber supply chain risk management office, Lyublanovits has her sights set on helping agencies develop C-SCRM best practices.
“Being able to articulate not only the fact that we need to do it, but what value will it bring to the agencies? What goals am I helping to accomplish by actually doing this work?” she said. “Putting a little bit of framing and structure around that is important for us as we move forward.” (Read the full story about CISA’s efforts to help agencies master cyber SCRM on Page 4.)
The ability to know and protect against threats to all components in federal technology tools has gained increasing attention over the past year as agencies continue to work on meeting the mandates of the National Cybersecurity Strategy.
The need to protect all facets of the tech supply chain are driven by the use of data across multiple devices and environments, pointed out Erica Raymond, sales director for Carahsoft, which was the presenting sponsor of Federal News Network’s Cyber Leaders Exchange 2023.
“Data is everywhere around us. It’s on premise, in the cloud, in our cellphone, in our laptop — everywhere,” Raymond said. “So we need to make sure that no matter what we’re doing, wherever we are, that we’re taking the steps to protect ourselves and make sure that the security and the fiber solutions that we’re working with are doing everything they can to protect us from threats.”

Vanessa Roberts
Editor, Custom Content
Federal News Network

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