Decadis - Last Log for Confluence

Decadis - Last Log for Confluence

Decadis' Last Log for Confluence brings log file management directly into the Confluence administration interface. No more scrambling for server access! Search, filter and analyze Confluence logs with ease.

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Log browsing directly in Confluence

Save valuable time by conveniently browsing through your logs directly within the application administration. There is no requirement to access the server directly or go through the hassle of downloading log files using SFTP. This efficient process allows for a seamless and time-saving log management experience. Take advantage of this feature to enhance your workflow and streamline your administrative tasks.

Log browsing directly in Confluence  Log browsing directly in Confluence


  • All log files in a single location - Select the log file you want to analyze from a practical sidebar with dropdown menus
  • Don't lose focus - Use the tool bar to configure your log view and only view exactly the log entries you're looking for
  • View thread dumps - Access a current thread dump for your instance within seconds to analyze performance issues
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Convenient search and filters

When conducting searches, utilize the functionality of automatically updated logs to narrow down the search output to pertinent log entries. Implement filters for log levels, users, timeframes, and regular expressions to further refine the search parameters. This approach ensures a targeted exploration of the logs, facilitating the identification of specific information or events. By incorporating these filtering options, users can efficiently extract meaningful insights from the log data.

Convenient search and filters  Convenient search and filters


  • Advanced search - Search for specific log entries with case sensitive search and regular expressions
  • Filter your output - Configure advanced filters using log level, user name or timeframe of the log entries
  • Limit shown log entries - Limit your output to focus on the essential by using a practical tool bar