Mission Control is developed natively on the Salesforce Platform. It's a feature-rich Professional Services Automation application that includes all the tools required to manage your entire Project Management process.
Kanban Whiteboard
Kanban Whiteboard allows you to drag and drop to update your Action Status!

Gantt Chart
The Gantt Chart lets you visualize and interact with your project timeline

Resource Scheduler
Keep on top of your Resource Capacity Planning with the Scheduler

Mission Control Console
The Console is your Project Management Command Center

Creating Projects
Quickly launch new Projects from scratch or from Project Templates

Resource Assignment Wizard
Find the right Resource with the appropriate skills and capacity

Keep a track of your progress by logging your time against your projects

Expense Management
Keep on top of your project expenses

Project Overview
Geta 360-degree view of your Projects

Invoice Management
Generate invoices based on the work you've delivered on your projects